This is a brand built with subtle nods to the working dogs of our military and law enforcement, without leaving the fluffy dogs behind.
  • Client
  • CTO Dog Training
  • Industry
  • Obedience School
  • Services
  • Brand Development, Art Direction, Illustration and Typographic Design
  • Art Director
  • Jason Ellison
About The Project
Communication not Conflict

The CTO brand is designed to be playful and exciting while holding a tone of serious accomplishment. The approach that CTO brings to their training is simple. Communicate clearly and don's create conflict. Having both served our nation in the Mariine Corps; Lia and Chris know how to bring that approach to life.

The CTO icon was branded after one very special German Shepard named Gunner. Gunner spent many years serving along side Chris in law enforcement and after he retired his likeness became the foundation of the CTO brand. We wanted the brand to look official but also inviting. Gunner does just that.

Do it by hand

After the digital revolution most designers switched to fully digital methods of execution. Drawing and 2d art has slowly declined iin most creative processes, but not around our office. Doodling leads to ideas and those ideas lead to amazing digital designs. Illustrating type and drawing icons bring a unique creative approach to our designs that would normally be filled with stock illustrations of fonts. The CTO branding is filled with custom typography and illustration. The logo and type treatment are custom, which led us to continue creating things by hand whenever possible. It makes the brand unduplicatable and custom to the CTO message.

We have worked with the owners of CTO for many years. We have built many brands together, but this one is extra special to all of us.